Includes shampoo, nail trimming, ear cleaning, rounding the paws and gland expression.

Includes shampoo, nail trimming, ear cleaning, sanitary cleaning, rounding the paws and gland expression.

Trust our experienced groomers to skillfully trim and shape your dog’s coat, keeping them cool and comfortable during those hot summer months.

Our team is ready to groom dogs of all types, shapes and sizes – there’s not a breed we haven’t seen, pampered and presented back to a happy pet parent!

About us

Iron Pet Mobile Grooming 
because your pet deserves it!

Our Commitment is to give you only the best service to you and your pet. Iron Pet Mobile Grooming is always at your service!

Your pets deserve the best and we are the best and most experienced pet grooming company on Pembroke Pines, Miramar and Weston area.

A few things we’re great at


Within one to two treatments, the Fulminator has been proven to reduce shedding up to 60 to 80 percent.


Includes: ​Hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner, full brush out and blow drying, premium wash, bowtie or bandana, full body haircut

Anesthesia-free teeth cleaning

This is a non-invasive procedure that is very similar to when we go to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned.

We serves in

Davie, Weston, Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Miramar, Sunrise, Plantation, Miami Gardens, Pembroke Pines, Southwest Ranches

Client Testimonials

Find out what customers are saying about us


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